Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My first blog post!!

Now, first off...please be kind!! LOL

This is my first blog post! I figured everyone else is doing it, so I might as well and will also use this to update how life is going, how orders are coming along etc. I will learn to make it pretty, and perhaps add buttons and followers and the like...someone educate me please!! I looked at twitter...but um..NOT me LOL!

I am Michelle, wife to Dan, mom to Alex, Izzy and Ben. I live in a quiet town in Northern BC. I enjoy sewing and crafts which led me to begin a small hobby business called BB Butts Diapers. I make cloth diapers and accessories as well as cloth items for the home. These are not the cloth flats that we were diapered in! These are trim and easy, much the same as a paper disposable diaper. We will go more into this in another post!

Today is International Worker's Memorial Day. I lost my first husband to a devaststating workplace accident in 2001. I miss him dearly still, and just want everyone to take a minute to evaluate their own workplace practices and think about safe work place education for your children. Far too many lives are lost as well as devastating injuries occur than need be.

The quick option is NOT the safe option! Work safe, play safe and return to your family safe.

RIP Larry. We love you daily and will never forget your sacrifice in providing for our family.

Off to navigate around the template and add some content!


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