Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thursday ..the day before stock goes live

So today is Thursday....kind of a non day on the week callender isn't it? Not the beginning of the week, not hump day, not the weeked.

For miss Izzy it is a big day as it is Circle Time. She loves going to "school" for a couple of hours every Tue and Thur. It is the time that I get a bunch done while Ben is having his morning nap or take a little down time and actually get to chill for a bit.

Today, I needed "OUT". I think after being sick with pneumonia for the past few months and all of the stress of a number of other items I have been feeling like a caged animal. With hubby's support I took off minutes after he walked in the door from work this am...SANS KIDS!!!

I headed to Prince George. A delightful sunny morning, and finally winter roads are gone! It was so nice even if I was in the tank (aka truck). I headed to a few places to get some stuff for the business and was done and headed home by noon. All the same the time out was refreshing but I came home tired though. Still some effects from being ill. I am dressed in clothes that I am not embarassed to be seen in, my hair is done and I even have a little eye makeup on. WOW...when was the last time all of that coincided????

The other thing that this Thursday is notable for is that it is the day before listings for new stock go live. So what does that mean? Well I have a few online sites that I sell my diapers etc. Two of them are located through a site called Hyena Cart.

What is THAT? Essentially it is an online mall of eco and environmentally aware shops run by work at home moms (WAHMs) and a few dads too!

My two stores there are BB Butts Diapers and I am also a member of a "congo" called dotCA. A congo is a grouping of shops, often with a common theme in one storefront. dotCA is a Canadian play on .com and we are all Canadian artisans. What a wonderful group of ladies I am associated with. We have all been supporting one another and it is really feeling like we are fast becomming friends. I would LOVE to spend a weekend with these gals in a cabin having "girl time". Perhaps one day, we are spread all over the country.

So stocking, and stalking are both prevalent in Hyena Cart. Stocking is what we the vendors do..put stuff in our stores and preview the items before making them available to actually purchase. Stalking is what the shoppers (aka "Hyenas", a la Hyena Cart) do. They all see the items before they are actually available and drool ready to pounce to grab it before anyone else does! It is fun to watch how many people are in your shop and to actually get sales is still a real rush!

So today, Thursday, my shops are stocked and hopefully the Hyenas are stalking!

Drop by and

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My first blog post!!

Now, first off...please be kind!! LOL

This is my first blog post! I figured everyone else is doing it, so I might as well and will also use this to update how life is going, how orders are coming along etc. I will learn to make it pretty, and perhaps add buttons and followers and the like...someone educate me please!! I looked at twitter...but um..NOT me LOL!

I am Michelle, wife to Dan, mom to Alex, Izzy and Ben. I live in a quiet town in Northern BC. I enjoy sewing and crafts which led me to begin a small hobby business called BB Butts Diapers. I make cloth diapers and accessories as well as cloth items for the home. These are not the cloth flats that we were diapered in! These are trim and easy, much the same as a paper disposable diaper. We will go more into this in another post!

Today is International Worker's Memorial Day. I lost my first husband to a devaststating workplace accident in 2001. I miss him dearly still, and just want everyone to take a minute to evaluate their own workplace practices and think about safe work place education for your children. Far too many lives are lost as well as devastating injuries occur than need be.

The quick option is NOT the safe option! Work safe, play safe and return to your family safe.

RIP Larry. We love you daily and will never forget your sacrifice in providing for our family.

Off to navigate around the template and add some content!
